Let’s be honest – it’s not that young attractive girls do always prefer to date someone who is older, but still most of them are instinctively searching for someone to protect them, someone with whom they would feel safe. And as far as your older age automatically means more life experience, you can take advantage of that in the first place.
Learn the way younger people communicate these days if you feel that you are too far behind the age. Facebook and MySpace short text messages, e-mails, SMS, Skype calls – all that stuff, you know, which is vitally important for the younger generation today. In a word, you should raise the level of your social skills until it’s time to go on a date with some young cute chick. Knowing what to discuss and which words to choose, you will definitely feel much more confident, which is one of the main components of any successful date, you know. Anyway, the confidence itself does a lot to assist you in getting on the same wave with a girl, no matter she is younger than you or not. So learn the manifestations of the modern popular culture in order to keep up with the activities the younger girls are involved in and so on. Learning the basic functions of the popular dating websites like eharmony will also do the trick.
Apart from mentioning the style you dress or some other details of your appearance, acting as if you were her father is a totally inexcusable thing. Just forget the age difference – you are equals on a date, so treat her like your date, nothing more nor less. Show her that her age as well as yours just don’t matter, while you’re spending wonderful time together – nothing cannot prevent you from enjoying this time together, right?
If you still stick to the opinion that you literally become invisible being accompanied by the young girls… Leave it far behind! Sometimes the girls just don’t notice men around them, regardless of their age, you know, and it is not even the age difference between you and her that is important but just the way you present yourself and catch her eye – just like with any girl or woman. So make it obvious and clear that you are interested in her, show your readiness to date her and then everything will pass entirely without incident!